Thursday, July 2, 2009

Let Me Introduce You . . .

That smiling gal in the photo above is my equally-besotted-with-nature hiking and paddling pal Sue Pierce. A disciple of Henry David Thoreau, an extraordinary photographer, and a writer of wit and grace, she has finally started the blog I've been urging her to start for months. Sue lives in Warren County, just north of the Hudson River from Saratoga County, and her territory often tends more northward than mine, more toward Glen Lake and Lake George. But we often meet on the border at our beloved Moreau Lake State Park (where, unlike me, she's not old enough to get the golden-agers' free weekday entry). Sue has a better eye (and ear) for the fauna than I do, and I know a little more about flora than she. So we make a good nature-nerd pair, eager to learn from one another. So friends, if you like what I do with my blog, you're certain to love Sue's also. It's called "water-lily" and its blog address is

Do check it out.


  1. Thanks for introducing us to your friend's new blog, and thanks for encouraging people to share their love of nature. We're off to explore it!

  2. I am on my way over right now!

  3. Thanks for the intro! I've already added her blog to my live feed. As I think I've said before, I always enjoy reading your blog, though I may not comment so often -- no doubt a good thing! Best Regards.
