Friday, June 5, 2009

Grandma's Gone for a Bit

Here I sit (pink shirt) with my daughter's husband and daughters on a rocky outcropping overlooking the Hudson River at Moreau on Memorial Day.  Tomorrow afternoon I go to their home in Mt. Kisco, NY, near New York City, to watch the kids while mom and dad take a six-day vacation.   There's a lovely nature preserve near there, called Teatown,  and I've heard about an old-growth hemlock forest preserve called Mianus River Gorge just a few miles from their house.   So you can be sure I'll be hauling these girls off to the woods with me.  Soccer matches and swim meets can wait. They're great little hikers and they have great eyesight, so they see many things that I can't.

I don't know if I'll be able to blog for a while.  The girls all have computers, so I'm going to try. I'll certainly be able to check my blog and read any comments, so friends, let me hear from you.  I'm really excited about that old-growth preserve:  a genuine wilderness area 40 miles from New York City!  Imagine!  I hope I can post some photos of it.

Bye for now.


  1. Jackie,

    Thanks for the wonderful hike at the Bog Meadow today. My kids came home with a lot of new knowledge -- they are writing and drawing about it in their nature journals. Thanks for the inspirations!

    -p.s. ~ I accidently walked away with your wildflower book. Let me know how I can get it back to you! My e-mail is

    -Debra Nicastro

  2. Jackie,
    I haven't commented recently but continue to enjoy your gracious, elegant blend of photography and prose. Keep it on!

  3. Ah, it may be that the only thing better than hemlock is old growth hemlock. Enjoy!
