Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sue's Photos from Turtle Hunting

My friend Sue Pierce sent me these photos from our turtle-survey paddle at Dunham's Bay yesterday.  I think my readers will all agree she's a fabulous photographer.  But please don't copy any of her pictures without permission.  Just enjoy!

A quiet stream runs from Lake George into acres and acres of lovely wetland at Dunham's Bay.

Sue caught me struggling to focus on the snapper under the water.  No luck!  My boat kept drifting away beyond the focal length.

Sue had better luck.  And a better camera with polarizing lens.  And better eyes than mine to spot this turtle in the first place.  This one was oh, nine or ten inches long (its shell), but she shot another one later at least twice this big.  With her camera, she shot it.  Funny, several folks asked us what we were doing, and when we responded "turtle hunting" they thought we meant to catch and eat them.   Which I did as a kid, but wouldn't now, since turtles of all kinds are under great stress.  This one seemed pretty cool, anyway, not seeming to mind our poking our cameras at him.

Red-winged Blackbirds swooped and called all around us as we paddled.  This one just caught a dragonfly as Sue caught his picture in mid-grab.  I love how his color is reflected in the water. We also saw quite a few Kingbirds and one Osprey soaring high above us on bent wings.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jackie, I love turtles. Your posts remind me of our time in Maine cruising around looking at snapping turtles just like the ones you have pictured.

    I have posted the names for the Collective Naturalizing- You did quite well, thanks for participating.

