Monday, April 13, 2009

Something New Every Day

I checked on my river launch site today, and hooray! the ice is ALL GONE!  With a brisk wind whipping up whitecaps, though, I wasn't too tempted to go get my canoe.  Think I'll wait until a few more flowers are in bloom along the banks.  I did find some sprouting leaves today: Dutchman's Breeches, Marsh Marigold, Trillium, Goldthread, Trout Lily, Toothwort, Saxifrage (Golden and Early).  Now, it seems such a trickle, but when the floral floodgates open in oh, ten days, two weeks, I'll have a hard time keeping up with them.

In the meantime, other surprises await on the forest floor. Like this pretty little garter snake.

In other news, I got a note today from John Warren, founder of Adirondack Almanack, a great blog about all things Adirondack.  The blog is celebrating its fourth year with the addition of two new contributors, expanding its coverage of local politics and culture, history, regional development, outdoor recreation, the environment, and other issues.  I feel a special connection to this blog since it very kindly listed my blog on its roll of blogs worth reading.  Since the site attracts around 1,000 readers each day, that's great exposure.  It's a fun and fascinating site, so check it out at 

1 comment:

  1. i saw a poor garter snake on my walk through the pine bush, he was using a sheet of paper, aka trash, as a blanket, so when i picked up the paper there he was, and not too happy, since it was rather chilly and he could not really escape quickly. i left him alone and continued my walk
