Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome President Obama

     Free at last!  Free at last!  Thank God Almighty we're free at last of George W. Bush, who spent his last days in power trying to undo as many environmental protections as he could.  The woods and waterways all over the world are safer today, thanks to President Obama, who appears to be open to allowing science to actually inform his decisions.  Won't that be something?

     I have even more personal reasons for celebrating today, Inauguration Day 2009.  See those darling children with their beautiful mom in the photo above?  Those are my son Peter's kids and my grandchildren.  It is now a new era for black and mixed-race children, thanks to the election of Barack Obama.  Wow! What a role model!

     Yeah, yeah, I know, don't count your chickens and all that.  But today I just feel happy and blessed to be living in this grand country.  To celebrate, I'm off to the woods.  See you later.


  1. Hear! Hear!

    And let's hope the reality lives up to the promise. Our collective toes are crossed!

  2. Oh wow! Today is very personally significant for you and your family. Congratulations. Beautiful children.

  3. Well, 2 1/2 years have passed and maybe we are not where we wanted to be, but I for one, refuse to withdraw from seeing the beauty of today or give up on the promise of tomorrow. All the best to your beautiful family.
